eNews – August 2018
In this month’s newsletter, we begin by discussing work-related expenses in preparation for lodging your tax return. Our animation illustrates the importance of Life insurance. For some of us, engaging with super can be difficult; we look into this further. We often talk about investing for the future; we explore why investing in yourself can also be an important part of this. Lastly, we leave you with Lucy Kalanithi’s deeply moving Ted Talk in which she touches on palliative care and important estate planning considerations.

Deductions and work-related self-education expenses
Each year, the ATO releases guidance on what they will be closely monitoring when tax returns are lodged. Claiming deductions for work-related self-education expenses is a regular area of focus for th…
Life insurance
Thinking about your own mortality can be both daunting and confronting as it’s often far removed from the expectations of how you see your life panning out, i.e. living to a ripe old age. In this an…

Super engagement: Your annual super statement
Super will be one of the biggest financial assets that you will ever own in your lifetime. Despite this, some of us find it difficult to actively engage with our super – often only doing so upon rec…

Tax refunds and investing in yourself
“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” (Warren Buffett). In this article, we explore this quote within the context of helpful spending suggestions for making the most of your…
Palliative care: Facing mortality with care and support
For many of us, we may associate palliative care with aged care; however, in reality, it’s for anyone with a life-limiting or terminal illness. In this deeply moving Ted Talk, Lucy Kalanithi shares …