A very happy new year to you. We hope you’ve had plenty of time to unwind and relax with family and friends.
The start of the new year seems like a natural time to reset and take stock of our priorities and goals. I’m sure you’ll agree, goals are easy to set, but not so easy to achieve. Which is why we spoke to behavioural finance expert Simon Russell about the kind of goals that can lead to happiness. And, why we also bring you some tips on how to build your money muscles for the coming year.
If one of your new year’s resolutions is to bolster your retirement savings, we cover three things that might just surprise you about super. We look at how education bonds work, and some questions to think about if a sea or tree change is on your radar.
Enjoy the edition.
Learn some simple ways to help set yourself up to be fighting fit for the year ahead.
Behavioural finance expert Simon Russell shares some insights on the kind of goals that can lead to greater happiness.
Are you making the most of the types of super contributions on offer? We share three things that might just surprise you.
Investing in an education bond is one way to invest and save for a child’s education. We explain how they work.
Is a move to the country or coast in your near future? Make sure the practicalities stack up for you.
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