In this month’s newsletter, we begin by covering information on super contributions and the age and work test conditions that exist with regard to contribution eligibility. Our animation illustrates budgeting—an important foundation block for building and maintaining wealth, now and in the future. Having an appropriate plan in place to help you, and your loved ones, weather an unexpected financially adverse event can be a vital consideration—we provide a snapshot overview of personal insurances. Approximately 62% of Australian households pay for subscription services that they don’t use or have forgotten about—we explore this and more. Chronic diseases are an ongoing cause of substantial ill-health, disability and premature death in Australia—below is a video recently released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) on the health of Australians in 2020.
Accumulating wealth in super takes, among other things, contributions. However, there are limits to this. In this article, we cover contribution eligibility conditions—maximum age and the work test.
Budgeting is an important foundation block for building and maintaining wealth. In this animation, we illustrate the power that can come from budgeting and putting in place an appropriate budget plan.
Personal insurances can be a key consideration when it comes to wealth accumulation and related health (and financial) risk management strategies. In this article, we summarise the main insurances.
An estimated collective total of $3.9 billion per year is spent on avoidable paid subscription services by Australian households. In this article, we explore spending and paid subscription services.
In 2018, 47% of Australians had one or more of the 10 major chronic disease groups. In this video, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare briefly covers the health of Australians in 2020.
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