We are beginning to see the flowers bud and the temperature gauge move slowly upwards. For many people this marks the time to get cracking on those much anticipated renovation plans, before you put your DIY-inclined hands to work, see our article on property renovations. Something to keep in mind when building an investment portfolio is liquidity, this month’s animation explores what it is and why it is important. With the official cash rate now at an all-time low, we’ve included some information to help you understand what this might mean for you. You may be familiar with cash, term deposits, property, shares, but have you heard of REITS? Find out more about what REITS are and how they might fit into a diversified investment portfolio. Finally, we leave you with a light-hearted video that looks at the power of ‘procrastination’.
Are you planning a renovation? Renovating a property is more than just a pure financial decision. It can have significant implications not only for your cash flow, but also for your lifestyle. So before you get going, take stock and make sure you’ve considered everything.
Have you ever been in the situation where you needed to withdraw cash, close a term deposit before maturity, sell-down managed funds or shares, or put a property on the market to meet a sudden demand? The effort it takes to convert an asset into cash can vary widely.
With the Reserve Bank of Australia cutting the official cash rate in August for the second time in 2016, the official cash rate in Australia now sits at a record low 1.5%. Learn more about why cash rates have reached this level and what it may mean for you.
When most people think about investing in property they tend to think about residential homes or commercial properties such as shops, offices or industrial buildings. But there is another way to invest in property through listed property securities often referred to as Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITS. What are REITS and how do they work?
Have you ever been in a situation where you had a personal or work deadline and instead of sticking to your schedule you got side-tracked? For some people procrastination can also play a part in how they approach their personal finances. We hope you enjoy this funny and insightful talk.
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