In this month’s newsletter, we begin by providing insight into the somewhat controversial FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement. Our animation illustrates the importance of an emergency buffer – a ‘rainy day fund’ to weather financial emergencies. A sea/tree change can be on the cards for some pre-retirees and retirees; we offer food for thought on this. Linked personal insurance policies can make sense in some instances; we explore this through the lens of a needs analysis. Lastly, we leave you with a video by Saturday Night Live that delivers a light-hearted segue into talking about aged care services.
The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement is a rather controversial social lifestyle movement that’s gaining some traction. In this article, we provide insight into this movement.
A key question to consider is whether you have enough savings at hand to weather an unexpected financial emergency. In this animation, we illustrate the importance of establishing an emergency buffer.
Nearing or in retirement, for one reason or another, some of us can start to give thought towards a sea/tree change. In this article, we discuss relevant considerations before taking the dive.
A needs analysis can be an important initial step in the establishment of an appropriate personal insurance plan. In this article, we explore needs analysis and linked personal insurance policies.
At some point in your life you may find that you need assistance to continue living at home. In this video, Saturday Night Live provide a light-hearted segue to talk about aged care services.
Your retirement income (and outcome) can be intrinsically linked to your accumulation, and use, of wealth inside super. In this article, we provide tips on reviewing your annual super statement.
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